Dom sat back on his heels, peering into the cabinet.
"Can't find it," he said dejectedly.
Elijah stopped stirring the sugar into his coffee, set the spoon down on the counter, and looked down. "Can't find what?"
Dom sighed, drumming his fingers once on the floor. "Doesn't matter. I'll get something else."
Elijah slowly kneeled down beside Dom, taking his face in his hands, turning it towards him. Elijah's eyes flickered down to Dom's lips, and before Dom could say anything Elijah pulled him into a long, deep kiss.
Dom reached out and quickly tickled Elijah, just under the ribs. Elijah yelped and spasmed, throwing both of them off-balance. As they both crashed to the kitchen floor, Dom let out a little laugh.
"Found it."
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