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Title: An Interpretive Dance
Pairing: Clay Aiken/Jai Rodriquez (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy)
Rating: PG/PG-13
Disclaimer: I sadly own none of these boys...really! *hides Carson under rock*
Author's Note: And actually, I wrote another version of this that's got a more depressing ending, so if you want to read that one, feel free to email me and I'll be happy to send it to you. Hope you enjoy!
One stood alone; the other, one among five. The former, dressed according to producers; the latter, dressed according to Carson. The first's hair spiked, gelled and teased; the second's gelled and jujzhed. A glance; a look. Two identical smiles.
"Oh, my God, you guys, it's...HIM!" Running steps, arm extended.
"Hi. I'm Jai."
"Oh. Hey, I'm Clay Aiken." A limp handshake, a small squirm of irritation from another, but to them it didn't matter who.
"So, uh, have you ever seen the show, 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy'?"
"Mmm, yeah, I think so."
"You HAVE?!" Excited squeals, jumping in place slightly. Behind him, four knowing looks. They knew where this was headed - another one night stand, another broken heart.
"Isn't that the one where there's five of you, and you make over someone's life, and then spy to see how well it turns out?"
"Yes, exactly! Do you watch it?"
"Oh, my goodness. Yes, I love that show! I've never known what it was called, though."
"Oh...well, now you know!" Laugh. Awkward pause.
"So, have you seen 'American Idol'?"
A smile. "Of course. I used to watch every Tuesday and Wednesday." Just to check out you. Saying aloud, "Just to check out Ryan Seacrest."
"Hm. Who didn't?" Adding quietly, "I certainly did." A pause, then smiles.
"Hey, kiddies."
"Oh...hey...Carson." Silent glare, instructions on where the doorknob shouldn't hit you on the way out.
"I don't think we've been introduced." Sugar-sweet smile. Polite grin. Teeth-gnashing silent scream.
"I'm Clay. Aiken." Another limp one. A slight grimace again.
"I'm Carson Kressley, and over here is Ted, Thom, and Kyan." Various nods, smiles. His eyes still returned to one.
"Well, I truely hate to break up this little fun-fest, but we need to get seated, people. And you do, too, so quick like a bunny!" Gentle ushering towards the door. A final look back.
"See you at the after-party!" A nod, wink, and a smile that turned his legs to jelly.
"Later." A weak reply.
"But Jai - "
"I don't want to hear it."
"But he isn't - "
"My mind's made up."
"But - "
"I love him!"
"Carson, please."
"...I know that this is right."
A scoff. "Yeah, just like those thirty other guys who you swore were the one for you, then dumped you after they got what they want?"
"Don't you dare bring that up again."
"Well, it's true, isn't it?"
A pause. "Maybe."
"You shouldn't do this. I'm only saying it because I care about you, we all do. We're worried about you."
"Why?! Because of the show? Is that it? My stuff hardly even matters, it's all you and Thom."
"Now, now, culture is just as important as cotoure, you know that. And we're just trying to help you!"
"Do you honestly believe that he's the one?"
"...Well, then I can't stop you. Go get him."
"Yeah. But...be careful, all right? Maybe...go a little slower this time?"
"Thank you." A hug. Two smiles. Then attention back to the show.
Two painfully long hours later, now finally able to escape to the comfort of the Fab Five SUV. But literally quaking in his Prada boots.
"Carson...? I can't do this!"
"Oh, yes you can! Now get out there!" A hesitation. Glance to the left.
"Oh, dear God, there he is!" And he was. Glowing, gorgeous...and without a date. Another hesitant step out of the limo, then decided by another that it was taking far too long.
"GO!" A shove in the small of his back, and one was sent flying, his arms and legs flairing as the struggle to regain his balance was lost as he crashed into the other before him. Cameras set off flashes, the night became noon.
"Are you...okay?" Laughter died in his throat. He awkwardly disentangled himself, stood up, then reached out to help him up. He took it, smiling.
"Yeah, I'm fine now...thanks." A glance down, the realization that he was still holding his hand. A look into his eyes, green like emeralds, and the tiny hint of a smile on pouty lips. Another moment's hesitation, then a glorious 30-second connection that the entire world would be talking about for weeks to come - Clay kissed Jai. Better tabloid fodder than Michael and Lisa Marie.
Two weeks later the pair showed up arm in arm at another awards show. No other members of "Queer Eye" were in site. No explanation needed.
Clay started hanging around the Fabulous Five a lot more, recieving better tips for clothing choices from Carson, and frequently having private dancing lessons that often turned...well, let's just say he won't be doing THOSE moves on a dance floor any time soon. Some time soon after that, Ted noticed that Jai had begun to wear a ring on his left hand - plain gold, inlaid with diamond chips. He acted like it was no big deal. The others knew him too well.
"So, Jai..." Thom brought up casually one day. "How's your boyfriend?"
"Oh! Um...he's...he's good." Big smile. Stupid giggle. "What? What's the matter?"
"Oh, nothing. Continue on."
The four walked away, then hesitated ever so slightly when slight music escaped from his lips -
And when you say you love me, do you mean it
Baby, when you hold me, do you feel it
Should I believe the magic in your eyes
I would wait until the end of time...
And the cosmic ballet carried on.
This site was created by sarah h.. This undertaking is affiliated with the Idolslash community on Livejournal.com.