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Here are the completed fics! Author's names are now up. Thanks to all who participated!
Advice - Clay Aiken/Simon Cowell, NC-17. Written for mandy.
Simon took another pull on his cigarette, surveying Clay again.
Written by cristen (as a pinch-hitter - thank you!).
An Interpretive Dance - Clay Aiken/Jai Rodriguez (Queer Eye), PG/PG-13. Written for hilary.
They knew where this was headed - another one night stand, another broken heart.
Written by jenna.
A Story in Four Parts - Clay Aiken/Sondre Lerche, PG. Written for sarah h.
He would hold his hands in prayer and Raleigh would keep them clasped together.
Written by cami.
Behavioral Misconception - Clay Aiken/Ryan Seacrest, PG. Written for cristen.
You meant it, you truly did, but the question was whether Clay believed it or not.
Written by typical_ranter.
Card Notes - Clay Aiken/Ryan Seacrest, G. Written for dana.
He was in love with the recipient of the other blank Christmas card anxiously waiting to be written upon.
Written by heather.
Couches Don't Listen - Clay Aiken/Ryan Seacrest, PG-13. Written for jenny.
Straight girls wrote such hot gay porn. Who knew?
Written by brenna (as a pinch-hitter - thank you!).
Cry Baby Cry - Clay Aiken/Ruben Studdard, PG. Written for NI.
Ruben clapped his hands in amusement, giggling at his long missed friend.
Written by MotherNaturesSon.
Deluge in a Paper Cup - Clay Aiken/Ryan Seacrest, Clay Aiken/Simon Cowell suggested; R. Written for heather.
Clay gives a startled gasp that filters through his straw and little bubbles spurt and pop at the bottom of his drink.
Written by dana.
Last Dance - Vanessa Olivarez/Kimberly Caldwell, PG-13. Written for tiara.
Her lips barely grazed Vanessa’s cheek as she pulled away, but Vanessa shivered anyway.
Written by brenna.
One Last Chance - Clay Aiken/Ryan Seacrest, PG. Written for jenna.
Watching Ryan walk towards his dressing room, Clay realized what he had done.
Written by hilary.
Real - Clay Aiken/Rickey Smith, PG-13. Written for cami.
Clay looked down at Rickey's hands, then looked up to meet his eyes.
Written by sarah h.
Savior - Clay Aiken/Ruben Studdard, PG. Written for MotherNaturesSon.
When he looked in the mirror his conscience would ask… Ruben who?
Written by NI.
Showdown - Clay Aiken/Ryan Seacrest, PG-13. Written for meg.
He gave Clay a sly wink before he drove off and told him to have a good time.
Written by jenny.
The Long and Winding Road - Clay Aiken/Josh Gracin, Clay Aiken/Ryan Seacrest, implied Clay Aiken/others; NC-17. Written for typical_ranter.
There was something about the feel of a tongue on his thigh that got him
carried away every time.
Written by cristen.
Untitled - Clay Aiken/Ryan Seacrest, PG. Written for brenna.
Some people guessed, but no one knew the truth.
Written by tiara.
When You Know It's Real - Clay Aiken/Justin Timberlake, NC-17. Written for bina.
Two celebrities on the same flight, sitting next to each other. Just a fluke. Nothing special.
Written by mandy.
This site was created by sarah h.. This undertaking is affiliated with the Idolslash community on Livejournal.com.