When the two got off the plane they went their separate ways, not a word passed between them. Just a coincidence, then. Two celebrities on the same flight, sitting next to each other. Just a fluke. Nothing special.
A torturing 20 hours had passed. Clay's day had been full of interviews of all sorts, singing for holiday specials, appeasing the fans by signing autographs, a cover photoshoot for GQ magazine ("They don't seriously want me do they?") and finally when he got a break, he shopped for Christmas presents, as he hadn't had time to do that yet.
It was now pitch black out and Clay was half dead. Lying on the couch in his huge hotel room, he wondered why he didn't just go home now. He missed his family. He missed his mother. He wanted to see Amanda's face when she opened her present (he'd finally learned how to shop for her). He stood up and walked out on the terrace, watching snow fall lightly onto the gorgeous city that is New York. Arms wrapped around him from behind and he immediately relaxed into the touch. Now he remembered why he hadn't gone home just yet.
"Happy Christmas Eve," Justin cooed into Clay's ear. Clay spun around in his arms, placing a quick kiss on his lips and smiling.
"You know what would make it even better?" Clay asked, already pulling Justin in the direction of the bedroom. Justin laughed.
"Hmm? And what in the world could that possibly be?"
Pushing his back against the door to open it, Clay and Justin stumbled into the dark bedroom. They spun around and fell onto the bed, Clay landing onto of Justin. "Skipping dinner and presents."
Justin lazily kissed him. "Well. I know one present you'll want right now."
"Oh? What's that?"
Justin pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to Clay. He sat up, putting a light on, and tore it open, the smile instantly growing on his face. "Aww, you shouldn't have. I mean... what am I gonna do with a thing like this?"
Justin grinned, sitting up. "Use it." Before Clay could respond, Justin's tongue was practically down his throat and the two fell backward onto the bed, kissing passionately. In a matter of minutes all clothing was removed and the light was back off. Clay whimpered as Justin's mouth made it's way from his mouth to his jaw, to the crook of his neck, down his chest, stopping briefly to nip at hard and pink nipples, then continuing down, tongue darting in his belly button. Justin smiled before he went any lower. "You're beautiful, you know."
Clay opened his mouth to respond but instead a gasp came out as Justin's mouth covered the tip of his dick. Justin smiled at the reaction, tongue swirling around, licking his underside. Clay's hand dragged through Justin's hair, encouraging. Justin's hands slid onto Clay's hips, gripping him, as he swallowed the all of Clay, making sure he didn't thrust into his mouth. Clay bit down on the pillow, as to muffle his cries. Finally calming himself enough to talk, he whispered, "Justin... I... I need you. I need to be inside you."
Giving Clay one last suck, he popped his mouth off like candy and crawled back up Clay's body, giving him a soft kiss. "Told you your present would come in handy." Giggling, the two maneuvered around so Justin was lying on his stomach and Clay was straddled on top of him. He grabbed his Christmas present from earlier, a tube of cherry lube, and squirted some on his fingers, spreading it over himself, and then in Justin.
When he felt Justin was ready, Clay placed small kisses all over his back and shoulders, stopping briefly to whisper in his ear, "I love you," as he pushed himself slowly inside. A mix of pain and pleasure escaped Justin's throat, encouraging Clay to continue. He started a slow and steady rocking motion, almost a little too careful. That soon fell away as Justin grabbed one of Clay's hands that had been gripping his hips, and moved it to his aching dick. His hand copied the rhythm he'd already started with his hips, and soon the pace quickened for both, encouraging moans breathing past Justin's lips.
As all this happened, Clay thought over his relationship with Justin. All the secret time together, the stolen kisses, the frequent red eyes cross country to be together. They could just take private jets, but the danger of them being caught made it all the more fun. As these thoughts washed over Clay he came to the realization that he did, in fact, love Justin, and he wanted to be no where else than with him come tomorrow morning. As this realization hit him, so did his orgasm, and he painted Justin's insides with a loud cry, Justin coming into his hand. Clay collapsed, pulling out and rolling next to him, wrapping his arms around him and trying to calm his breath.
"I love you," he said again. Justin kissed him.
"I know you do."
Clay shook his head. "No, I mean, I really do. I've fallen in love with you and you're where I always want to be. And I want the world to know. I'm yours and you're mine."
Justin smiled, placing a long, loving kiss on Clay's lips. "Then we'll tell everyone. No more hiding. Tomorrow morning. Christmas, we'll tell everyone."
Clay shook his head again. "It can wait until New Years. I want you to come to Raleigh with me. I want to tell my mom and she'll want to meet you." Justin giggled.
"Ok. Then, tomorrow morning we'll fly to Raleigh for the perfect Christmas. Then you're coming home with me to Memphis. Mom's gonna wanna meet you too, ya know." A silence fell upon them as they cuddled, sleep wanting to claim them.
"I feel the need to say this, even though you never spoke a word of worry..." Clay started. "I.. I'm not Britney. I swear I won't hurt you, ever. I just wanted you to..." he was silenced by Justin's lips on his own.
"I know you won't. And I know you're not Britney..." he trailed off.
"Yet you're still worried. It's ok, I don't blame you."
Justin looked into Clay's eyes. "I'm sorry. You don't deserve that. You don't deserve me being like this." Clay held onto him tightly, never wanting to let go.
"But I do deserve you. So I'll take the good with the bad. I love you." Justin sighed.
"I love you too, Clay," he whispered, nuzzling his face in Clay's neck. The two fell into a happy sleep, content in each other's arms.
- fin -
This site was created by sarah h.. This undertaking is affiliated with the Idolslash community on Livejournal.com.