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Title: Behavioral Misconception
Pairing: Clay Aiken/Ryan Seacrest
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Ryan, Clay, or Raleigh.
His eyes were blazed of fury and disgust, the innocently gray-jade eyes
that once were always soft, gentle, calm. It scared you to see such a
change, a subtle change that brought you freezing at the spot, quivering in
fear. His lips that gave scorching to light kisses on your skin were pursed
into a thin line tightly, as though it was trying to hold the words ready to
spill out in frenzied incense. He shifted a bit and turned to gaze at the
window of your bedroom, as you sat rigidly on your bed. That's when you
noticed his knuckles were blushing white and trembling vigorously. He gave a
strangled gasp as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Why did you do it?" The question was simple, and the voice was small,
strained with agonizing shock and disappointment. You felt your whole body
turning cold at the inquiry, the simple little thing spoken.
"I..I don't know, Clay," you stutter, your mind buzzing of many
half-finished excuses and explanations, none which provided a satisfying
answer. You look down at your hands you suddenly feel the need to crumple to
the floor and beg Clay for forgiveness. But you didn't. No, you stayed
rooted at the spot.
"Do you love me?" There was a shake in his voice, and you could tell it was
filled with apprehension and misery. The insecurities that were yours
emphasized your stupidity upon the man standing in front of you, still
staring at the window. You looked there too only to see a bright scarlet
leaf fall from its branches.
"I do love you," you answer in a whisper. And before you could stop
yourself, you said the two most infamous words, "I'm sorry."
"You don't love me." The statement was steely and all wavering emotions were
frozen into blocks of ice as he turned his head sharply at you. You are
startled by the sudden movement and squirm uncomfortably. "If you loved me,
you wouldn't have gone and cheated with..with that slut."
"It- it was supposed to be a stunt.. My producer wanted something to-" you
were cut off from the excuse that instinctively flew from your mouth.
"But you had to actually SLEEP with her?" his voice rose to a crescendo as
he gave a look intangible for descriptions. The one that would most likely
match would be downright disgust. "And you didn't tell me? Why couldn't you
have just said 'No'?" The questions were obvious, evident ones which could
not be answered with dignity. At least, not by you.
"I..I'm sorry," you whisper again. You meant it, you truly did, but the
question was whether Clay believed it or not. Judging by the look on his
face, you knew he didn't. He had built up such trust for you and you tore it
down carelessly.
"It's..it's over Ryan," Clay murmured, he looked away from you again but you
could see his eyes had dulled to a dejected depression. He turned his heel
and walked away as you stared at his back, wanting desperately to say
something to stop him, or at least buy you some more time. But no, you
watched as he left your house, left your life, forever. You sat there for
long moments, time had halted to a cruel stop.
There was a faint wind whistling, followed by the multicolored leaves of
Your eyes followed hungrily, watching from the flowerbed of Clay's home in
Raleigh, as he unlocked his door and walked in. Your eyes fixated on the
lean, slim legs that were covered in baggy denim jeans, the hazy memory of
those legs tangled around your hips imagined in a low hum. The face was
flushed from the winter heat giving it a pink rosy color on the cheeks as
his eyes glittered like the virgin snow, his hair looking so wonderfully
soft. You wanted to run your fingers through that hair once more, tug at
those roots as you planted a steady kiss. Your thoughts quickly shifted as
you watched him bite his lower lip as he walked inside with his bag of
Although it was a frigid winter, you walked to a window as usual and watched
intently, the cold long forgotten. He placed the brown bags on the counter
as he took off his coat, shaking his head to rid himself of the white flakes
resting on his magnificent crown. You examined what he was wearing, which
was a bulky green/red sweater that perfectly matched his eyes. He gave a
joyous laugh as Raleigh came trotting along, barking happily for her owner's
return. She licked his face as he pulled her up and she nuzzled his blushed
cheek. For the moment, you can't help but feel envious of the dog, which was
still fairly small.
Clay lowered Raleigh down and went to the counter, retrieving a can of dog
food from one of the bags. He crouched low, his back in your view, and you
can't help but notice the defined ass showing from the too-baggy jeans. You
had the urge to grab it, squeeze it, trail along it with your lubed
finger..As you reached toward that little hole..
You shook your head, and watched intently as Clay stood up to unpack the
food and materials into the fridge or closet. You noticed how he always
seemed to put vegetables tucked in the deep corners of the refrigerator,
while he kept all the juice and fruit up front. The things like snacks and
donuts were always on the counter where it was easily accessible. There were
other little quirks you hadn't noticed while with him. He had the tendency
to close the refrigerator door with his left foot and the right side of his
hips were always tilting upward slightly whenever he washed the dishes. He
had the habit of biting his lip or his expression would change out of
nowhere, as though he was running through a series of differing thoughts.
Whenever he talked on the phone, it was always put on his right ear and he
liked to switch it often. If he was cleaning, he would sprawl on the floor
to clean underneath the dirty spots, his legs in a tangled position. Clay
would always watch TV sitting curled up with Raleigh, who did not mind
sitting on the lap of her master.
As Clay disappeared to the dining room, you crouched low and crawled to the
next window, watching expectantly. He set out his dinner and ruffled
Raleigh's fur as he made his way back to the kitchen to grab a few things.
He returned with a dreamy smile on his face, his jade eyes twinkling with
brightness. The distant sound of a phone ringing fell unto your ears and you
watched as he picked it up, his left hand in his pocket as he rocked back
and forth in his white socks.
"Hello?" he asked. The smile stretched wider. "Cameron! How's the trip?
Fine? Okay.."
He prowled around the dining room, sliding a bit on the tiled floor with his
socks. Clay still had his hand in his pocket as his body leaned sideways on
the doorframe leading to the living room. You can't help watch in envy as
his hips rub against the frame as he got off it to watch into the living
room. Raleigh was munching on her bowl when she halted and looked up at the
very window you were staring out. Fear struck your heart which evolved to
panic when the dog began to bark loudly. It raced over to the window and
clawed it, growling and barking.
You hide away quickly and you could hear Clay shouting above his dog's
"Raleigh! Raleigh, what's the matter?"
You were right underneath the window and pressed your ear to listen better.
"What's wrong? Is something there? Oh..hold on Cameron- Raleigh, stop! Stop
barking! RALEIGH!"
Understanding the danger of being caught, you snuck away steadily as you
could hear Clay try to calm his terrier down.
A sigh wavers in the frigid air, casting the billowing clouds of whiteness
to circulate and disperse. The jabbing pain in your chest left your eyes
scorching and misting with tears, your hands trembling as you gasp a choke.
He had moved on a week ago, yet the pain was still as vivid and fresh as the
first snowfall. You couldn't help but curl up into a ball, the camouflaging
cloak and mittens not enough to warm the ice trickling from your bleeding
heart. Cameron was a boyish man, younger than Clay by only a year. From what
you learned watching, you knew they went out twice. Yet Clay seemed to be
flying on Cloud 9. It frustrated you, it anguished you. He had indeed moved
The pathetic-ness of the situation was ignored as you wiped away a stray
tear falling. You crawled on the crushed snow, the zephyr blaring against
your pink cheeks. You heard Raleigh's barking grow louder and you hid in
your secret hiding place, the bushes near the front door step, which were
quite large and frozen. You waited until Raleigh had quieted to watch again,
the old fear of having Clay see him like this returning as fast as a spilled
You heard a soft sound, melodious and warm. The barking ceased and you knew
he was singing. Your heart fell knowing he would never sing for you again,
resting forehead on forehead as they tangle their arms and legs together
like the perfect puzzle, the lullaby cradling you and him fast asleep. You
knew he would not move back to LA, he would stay here in New York.
But if you were not allowed to touch him, at least you could watch him and
listen to him. The daily cravings would burden to spouts of insanity if he
was away on for publicity. Sometimes you would follow him to the airport and
everywhere, with a simple disguise that could fool fans. Other times you do
not for even Clay would not know where he would be going. But a day without
him felt like he had ached for thirst in the desert for five years.
You crawl out of the bush, rustling snow onto the ground, and go back to
watching discreetly from the windows, admiring the handsome being.
This site was created by sarah h.. This undertaking is affiliated with the Idolslash community on Livejournal.com.