Clay made his way to his room, unlocking the door and throwing himself on the king size bed that was inside. Sure, he knew that bringing Amber was a bad idea, but he had no idea that it was this serious. He rolled over and reached for the phone, dialing the extension to Ryan's room. Clay let it ring over and over again, still no answer. "You know what, Fuck it." he thought to himself as he hung up the phone, rolling over on his stomach falling asleep soon after.
As much as Clay just wanted to leave the hotel as soon as possible, there was a part of him that hoped he would see Ryan in the lobby checking out as well. He dragged his one suitcase behind him as he made his way onto the elevator. Clay pressed the lobby button and closed his eyes, tilting his head back and resting it on the wall. Feeling the elevator come to a stop, he lifted his head up and exited once the doors opened. To his disappointment, there was no Ryan. Clay sighed and checked out quickly and gave his luggage to his driver who was waiting there for him.
Ryan watched Clay leave through his room window. Anger and hurt ran through him at a constant speed. As much as he wanted to talk to Clay about this, he couldn't. Sure, he understood why Clay couldn't bring him as his date, but why Amber? Why the one girl that Clay had a fling with? Ryan sighed and packed his stuff, himself making his way down to the lobby to check out.
Months passed them by. Clay would call everyday hoping Ryan would answer once, but there was no such luck. Ryan soon learned that he would be hosting the Billboards, as excited and anxious as he was to do so, all he could think about is who Clay would bring as his date. His frown soon turned into a devilish grin, "Two can play at your game Aiken." he said to himself as he reached for his phone, dialing an oh so familiar number.
The night of the Billboards finally arrived. Being that Clay and Ryan were doing a skit together and haven't rehearsed once didn't exactly ease things between them. Clay, who was accompanied by his mother did a few interviews along the red carpet while keeping his eyes peeled for Ryan. Soon enough his limo pulls up distracting Clay completely. He watched silently as Ryan exited the limo and held out his hand for Shana to grab onto. Clay was speechless, it felt like a car just hit him at the highest speed possible.
Ryan felt Clay's eyes on his back the whole time bringing a satisfied grin to his face. His plan worked exactly how he wanted it to. Ryan wanted Clay to feel the same hurt, the same anger that he felt months ago so maybe he would understand.
After flaunting Shana off to press and interviewers, Ryan made his way into his dressing room to freshen up. He entered the room, shutting the door behind him, revealing Clay who was waiting in there for him. "What the..." Ryan said before getting cut off by Clay kissing him forcefully, pushing him up against the wall. Ryan didn't fight him away at first, the taste of Clay's lips was something that he had missed. Remembering why he wasn't talking to him in the first place, Ryan pushed him away as forceful as possible. "Clay, what the fuck? I want you out of my dressing room." he said loudly. "Don't deny me Ryan, there was something in that kiss you can't say there wasn't." Clay said defensively. "It's over Clay. You blew it. The end. It's over."
But Clay didn't want to take no for an answer. He left Ryan's dressing room for the time being without a scene, but all through the show his brain was working on overload. He hastily left the press area almost immediately after his performance and win and made his way to the venue's exit. Much to his surprise, Ryan's usual limo driver in Vegas greeted him warmly, and didn't say a word when Clay asked him to take the night off. He gave Clay a sly wink before he drove off and told him to have a good time. Clay hoped the time would be good, and not disastrous.
Once the confetti started to fall, Ryan grabbed his gift back from his dressing room and stomped over to the limo area. He wanted to get the hell back to his hotel room as quickly as possible, and avoid, well…pretty much everyone. Shana had left about halfway through the show, so he didn't even have her to distract people with anymore. Ryan dragged his bag out to the limo area and scanned for his driver. When he couldn't see him anywhere, he let out a huff and reached for his cell phone. However, before he could dial a number, he felt a large, warm hand on the small of his back. "Need a lift?"
Ryan shivered at the boy's touch. "No. My driver is around here somewhere. I just…can't find him."
Clay sighed. "Ryan I can give you a ride to the hotel." He looked at the man earnestly. "No funny business. No repeats of my scene in the dressing room earlier. Promise."
Now Ryan had a dilemma. He could get in Clay's car and face whatever passes he knew Clay was going to make at hi or he could wait for god knew how long to get another limo to come pick him up while looking like a huge loser. Ryan looked at Clay through narrowed eyes as he slid into the boy's limo, Clay tried as best he could to keep the smile off his lips.
Once Ryan was in and situated, Clay got in as well. “So where’s Shana?” he asked as the door was closed behind him. “She left half way through the show.” Ryan answered quickly not going into any detail at all. “Such a shame.” Clay said somewhat sarcastically. Ryan looked over at Clay and sighed, “Look, I only brought her tonight to get back at you. I just wanted you to understand why I felt the way I did after the AMAs.” He confessed not being able to stay mad at him. “I know, and it worked. Ryan, I am truly sorry for doing that to you. I’ve tried calling you so many times to apologize and make it up to you but you just ignored my calls.” Clay said running a finger over Ryan’s jawline. “Can’t say I blame you though.” He whispered before leaning over and hesitantly kissing Ryan.
As soon as Ryan felt the soft warmth of Clay’s lips on his, all his hard feelings disappeared. Ryan deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into Clay’s mouth and massaging his tongue with his own. The little things like this, is what Ryan missed the most.
Ryan finally pulled away from Clay's lips right before his driver was about to open the car door. "You know what they say about make up sex?" he purred into Clay's ear, teasingly flicking his tongue against the boy's earlobe. Clay let out a low groan in response. "Oh, you don't want to know? Alright then." Ryan started to exit the car once the driver opened the door. "Guess I'll be spending the night in my own room. I wonder if Shana let herself in..." Before Ryan could even finish that thought, Clay bolted out of the car and attached himself to Ryan's hip. "You give her a key, I won't show you all my double jointed tricks again." "What, Shana? A key?" Ryan batted his eyelashes innocently. "Never even crossed my mind."
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