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Title: The Long and Winding Road
Pairing: Clay Aiken/Josh Gracin, Clay Aiken/Ryan Seacrest, implied Clay Aiken/others
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't any of these people nor do I claim to know what went on in the American Idol mansion. I just hope it involved Strawberry Ice Cream.
Author's Note: I decided to combine the requests sent in by my Secret Santa pairing.


There was something about the feel of a tongue on his thigh that got him carried away every time. It was the feeling of anticipation that made the breath hitch in his chest. Knowing a mouth would soon be wrapped around him as desire pushed him further towards release. Clay could never get enough of that.


Josh had been Clay's first conquest - his roommate with the tight, muscled body. He wasn't much of a conversationalist, but basic training has been good to his body. It hadn't taken much for Josh to catch on to what Clay wanted. There were a few sly smiles from across the table, a wink, a caress and that had been enough.

Any guilt Clay might have had was erased when Josh joined him in the shower. His body was all muscle and flesh where Clay's was bone and jagged edges. That muscular body had pushed Clay against the wall of the shower. Hands searching, groping, fingers moving - begging for entrance. Pushing his hand aside, Clay told Josh he had to earn that right. And on his knees, Josh did - his mouth working exquisitely. Clay's cries were drowned out by the hammering water. Oh yes, Josh had done this before.

Clay toyed for Josh as long as he was enjoyable. But eventually he got bored and knew it was time to move on. And so he worked his was through the male contingent of the Idol mansion, with the notable exception of Ruben and the addition of Kimberly Caldwell. He'd never been hard up enough to think of Ruben as sexual material and the opportunity with Caldwell had been too good to resist. She had shown up in his dressing room before a group medley, smiling wickedly. Knowing exactly what he wanted, she gave it to him on her knees and then slipped out to perform a different kind of entertainment.

After working his way through the contestants, Clay had set his sites higher - onto the host. Ryan had needed more charming than Clay anticipated. At first it didn't seem like he was at all interested. But after turning the charm up to full blast, Ryan had caved too. For Clay it had meant wearing a ridiculous red leather jacket and wiggling his hips on national television. But oh how Ryan had caved. As soon as he'd asked to see the hip wiggle again Clay had known what was coming.

Ryan could barely hold on until the commercial break. He caught Clay in the wings as he was leaving the stage. Ryan's mouth had been urgent on his. Warm and wet holding the promise of the pleasure it could bring.

"You fucking tease!" Ryan was growling in his ear, hands roaming underneath that silly jacket, stroking and caressing his chest. "Come by later," he whispered his address and this instruction into Clay's ear before continuing backstage.


Clay had shown up at eight, hoping it was late enough. Ryan held open the door long enough for him to get inside and then pushed him up against the wall, mouth resuming his attack on Clay's lips.

"Easy killer!" Clay whispered, laughing a little as Ryan pulled back. "We're not about to get back from the break. We've got tons of time."

Ryan dragged him to the monstrous leather couch in the middle of the living room. They pressed their bodies together, his hands pressing over Clay's body. Stroking, teasing, and seeking. He was kissing Clay's neck, touching him through his jeans, seeking entrance. Clay leaned back, letting Ryan have full access to his body. His eyes were shut, body tense and waiting. And then Ryan's mouth was on him, wrapped around him. It was like slowly melting and aching to be solid at the same time. Ryan's mouth was so skilled, moving slowly across Clay's cock. He was showing him what it truly meant to be a tease.

Ryan was building him up, pushing him forward - mouth was urgent now, like it had been when he pinned Clay against the wall. Clay's body was tense and he was groaning. Then with one swipe of Ryan's tongue he was too far gone to turn back. He was liquid, flowing into Ryan's mouth. Gasping and sighing, eyelashes fluttering with each short breath. The buildup was too good to resist, but the release was always Clay's favorite part.

This site was created by sarah h.. This undertaking is affiliated with the Idolslash community on Livejournal.com.