Seasonably Warm
BB/OB, PG-13/R
The day began just like any other day. Billy woke up first and stumbled off into the bathroom for a quick shower, and Orlando rolled over to pull Billy’s still-warm pillow to his chest, grasping at a few more minutes of sleep. When Billy emerged from the bathroom several minutes later with a damp towel around his waist, Orlando opened one eye, smiled, then slowly sat up.
The only difference was that they were no longer in love with each other, and that neither knew the other felt the same way.
While this changed many things, it did not change the way Billy always stubbed his toe on that one corner in the kitchen on the way to make coffee, or the way Orlando curled his own toes around the bottom rung of the kitchen chair in reaction. “You okay, mate?” Orlando asked.
Billy winced. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Billy drove to the set that morning, taking the turns a little faster than usual. Orlando shot him a few looks, but Billy never saw them. Orlando sighed and turned toward the window, scratching his chin absentmindedly.
After filming wrapped for the day, Billy and Orlando went straight home, passing on the usual pub run. Orlando thought maybe they could have a nice, quiet dinner together, but he wasn’t sure what Billy wanted.
Orlando was never quite sure what Billy wanted.
When they got into the house, Orlando went straight for the shelf of recipe books. “Hey Billy, what are you in the mood for?” he called out, rifling through the first book he’d pulled out. Orlando turned around. Billy stood for a moment looking unsure, then shook his head. “I think I’m just gonna grab some cereal for myself,” he said, opening a midlevel cabinet.
Orlando froze, then nodded, putting the book back on the shelf. “That’s cool. Stick to the tried and true, huh?”
Billy hesitated. “Something like that.”
When Orlando climbed on top of Billy that night, he felt Billy’s hands on his hips, but saw his eyes looking elsewhere. Orlando tried to follow his line of sight, but found nothing but the wall. Orlando reached down mid-thrust to put a hand on Billy’s cheek, and did not come until their eyes finally met.
That morning, Billy asked if they could drive separately to the set; he had an extra costume fitting at the end of the day, and didn’t want to hold Orlando up. Orlando quickly approved, teasing that he didn’t especially want to see Billy’s naked arse any more than usual. Billy smirked, but didn’t laugh.
When Orlando went to brush his teeth, he noticed that Billy’s toothbrush was gone. By the time he got out of the bathroom to ask, Billy had already left. Orlando leaned against the doorway and stared at his own toothbrush, tapping it against his knuckles. Eventually, he put it back Into his mouth.
When Billy pulled into the driveway that night, he found Orlando carefully climbing a ladder placed against the house, a staple gun in one hand. Billy walked towards him, the gravel crunching beneath his shoes. “What are you doing?” he asked, looking up.
Orlando grinned and gestured at the string of lights hanging in front of him. “Getting into the holiday spirit,” he said, pulling up another section of lights and stapling it just above the gutter. “I went and bought a bunch after shooting today, while you were off doing your stuff. You like?”
Billy nodded. “It’s lovely.”
Orlando wiped his forehead with the back of his wrist. “Man, it’s weird doing this in short sleeves, isn’t it?”
“I…guess so.”
“The whole switched weather thing, you know? It’s mad, I just can’t get over it. It’s like…Christmas in July, except it’s real…sort of. You know?” Orlando looked down, but Billy was already walking inside. Orlando watched him, twisting his mouth up a bit. “Oh,” he said quietly, then returned to his work.
Lying on the rumpled sheets, Orlando gazed in fascination at the way the lights from outside illuminated and softened Billy’s pale figure. Reds and greens and blues and yellows melted together, tiny halos of light fighting for space among tinier freckles. Orlando sat up and ran his fingers along Billy’s back, tracing the bumps of his spine. But as he moved to straddle Billy, he heard the unusually steady breathing, and realized that Billy was asleep.
Orlando put his head against the pillow, and fell asleep with little starbursts of light burned on the insides of his eyelids.
When Orlando woke up, Billy was already gone. He had left a short note on the fridge - “Early drive to clear my mind, see you on set.” Orlando pulled it off the fridge to read it, then tossed it down on the table. No names, no terms of endearment, no anything. Thanks, Billy. Orlando started a pot of coffee, then flipped it back off in frustration, pouring himself some orange juice instead. He didn’t need any damn caffeine that morning.
When he got up to rinse out his glass, he noticed that Billy’s coffee cup was gone. He put the glass in the sink and covered his face with his hands, breathing deeply. “This isn’t happening,” he murmured to himself. But when he pulled his hands away, the drying rack was still empty.
Orlando spent most of his breaks that day simply watching people. He saw Viggo practicing his battle choreography, calling a stuntman over to help with blocking. Orlando watched John discussing lines with Brett, slowly rubbing the skin under his eyes as he spoke. And at lunch, he saw Billy look toward him, then turn around to eat with Elijah. Elijah shot Orlando a quizzical look, then focused his attention on Billy.
Orlando was walking out to his car from the makeup trailer that evening when he heard a familiar voice in his ear. “Can we try my place tonight?” Orlando looked over at Billy, and was startled to see a hint of a smile on his face. Orlando hesitated, then smiled back. “Sure, I just need to get--” he pointed at his car.
Billy nodded. “Oh, sure. See you there.” He walked off, leaving Orlando standing outside his car, keys still in his hand.
Orlando quickly drove to his house and threw a change of clothes into a duffel bag, figuring he had everything else covered from previous visits to Billy’s place. As he backed out of his driveway, he caught a glimpse of his Christmas lights and smiled wanly.
The night seemed more vivid than usual, and Billy seemed to be crackling with an energy that Orlando hadn’t seen in weeks. After a quick raspy whisper, Orlando was on his back, unused to the view of the ceiling and the dizzying lack of control. Billy pushed hard, harder than Orlando thought Billy could, and when he looked up he saw that Billy’s eyes were shining, almost wild. Orlando closed his eyes and rode it out.
When Billy finally climaxed and rolled over onto the bed, Orlando turned on his side and gave Billy a weary, inquisitive look.
Billy breathed heavily for a few more moments, then slowly shook his head.
Orlando turned away and curled up his wobbly limbs, and felt the mattress shift as Billy moved further away.
Orlando woke up first and decided to leave right away. He felt a slight soreness in his thighs, and groaned a bit as he walked to the bathroom.
The toothbrush he’d brought over for visits like this was gone.
Orlando got dressed in the living room, then picked up Billy’s phone, dialing the first number that came to mind. A sleepy voice responded on the third ring.
“Hey Liv, it’s me.”
“Oh, hi sweetie! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m--” he winced, then continued. “Do you want a ride to the set?”
“Oh, I would love that! Let me just call my driver and tell him, okay?”
“All right. See you in a few.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah. See you then.”
Several minutes later, Orlando was in front of Liv’s house, watching her stride cheerfully toward him. “Good morning!” she said as she pulled the door open, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. “We haven’t done this in a while, stranger. What’s the big occasion?”
Orlando shrugged. “I just, uh, didn’t feel like driving alone this morning.
Liv furrowed her brow. “What about Billy?”
Orlando’s face hardened. “Things…things aren’t so great with us right now.”
“Oh no, honey.” Liv put her hand on Orlando’s arm. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Orlando carefully moved his arm out of her grasp, and laughed shortly. “There’s not really much there to talk about.”
Liv looked at him, then slowly nodded, putting her hands in her lap. “I see.”
That night Orlando drove back home alone, and was not surprised to find his driveway empty. He walked over to his mailbox and opened it - a few holiday cards had arrived from his family and friends back home. He opened the first as he pushed open his back door, and was met by a small photographed scene of bundled-up children pushing sleds through the snow, tiny snowflakes glittering in the background.
Orlando placed the card on his mantle with a sigh, turned the air-conditioning up, and went to bed alone.
Orlando was awakened suddenly by a knocking on his bedroom door. “Who is it?” he called, confused.
His door opened a few inches, and Dom poked his head in. “Morning, sleepyhead!” He opened the door all the way, carefully maneuvering a tray into the room. “I made you a proper English breakfast, perfect for a growing boy like yourself.” He winked.
Orlando sat up, rubbing his eyes. “Dom, what the hell is going on? And aren’t you supposed to be in feet already?”
“Not today, my friend. Have you forgotten already?” Dom placed the tray on Orlando’s lap, then plopped down beside him. “It’s the day before Christmas Eve - Pete’s given us a bit of an early break, just some voiceover work in the afternoon.
“Oh.” He had forgotten. “Right.”
“So, I decided to spend some time with my favorite nancy elf in all of Middle Earth, or at least use up all of his eggs and tea.”
Orlando chuckled. “I see.” He picked up his tea and began to drink it, then realized that Dom was laying propped up on his elbows, staring at him expectantly. He put the cup back down. “But that’s not the real reason you’re here.”
Dom shook his head. “Darling, we’re all worried about you two. But especially you.”
Orlando picked at a croissant. “Why me?”
“Well…” Dom hesitated. “Billy’s a bit more inclined to go into that sort of quiet and brooding mood. But when you start doing it…” Dom raised his eyebrows. “It’s just freaky.”
Orlando started tracing the edge of the tray with his spoon. “So what shall I do instead, oh wise guru? What will--” he waved the spoon in the air - “ease your minds?”
Dom sat up, wrapping an arm across Orlando’s stomach. “Orli, you’ve got to talk to him.”
“Because you need to know where you both stand!”
Orlando threw his spoon down. “What if I don’t want to know?”
Dom was quiet for a moment. “Okay.” He gently stroked Orlando’s hair with his other hand. “One step at a time. At this exact moment, what are your feelings toward him?”
Orlando stared at the wall for a long time. Finally, he spoke. “I’m not sure I really love him anymore.” He stopped, then continued in a whisper. “But I don’t want him to leave.” He closed his eyes, his jaw set.
“It’s okay, mate.” Dom nodded. “It’s not easy.”
“What isn’t easy?”
Dom frowned. “Breaking up.”
Orlando looked at him in disbelief. “Who said anything about breaking up?” He shrugged Dom off and put the tray on the bed, standing up to walk out of the room.
Dom watched him go, then settled back to finish his breakfast.
The voiceovers went quickly, and Peter insisted that they all go out drinking to celebrate. Orlando reluctantly went along, sucked in by Elijah’s boundless energy. He ended up crammed in a booth with Dom, Elijah and Billy, with Viggo wandering between them and a table of loud stuntmen.
“So, it’s finally Christmas,” Elijah announced gravely, raising his glass. “Can you believe it?”
“Well, technically it’s not Christmas yet,” Dom interjected, pushing Elijah’s glass down onto the table. “It’s only the 23rd.”
“Oh fuck off, you know what I mean!” Elijah exclaimed, stubbornly raising his glass again and waving it in Dom’s face.
“You got any plans, young’un?” Billy asked, taking a swig of his drink.
Elijah shrugged. “Thought maybe we could all get together and do something tomorrow night. You know, exchange all those gifts I know you bought for me.”
Dom feigned confusion. “What are these ‘gifts’ you speak of? Sounds like your usual American rubbish to me.”
Elijah hit Dom in the arm, then took a long drink of his beer. “How about you, Bills, sound like a deal? Or do you, you know--” he nodded at Orlando - “have other plans?”
Orlando caught Dom shooting Elijah a warning glance, and felt his cheeks being to flush. Billy stiffened, then shrugged. “Not really.” He finished his drink, set it down and stood up. “I’m off for the night. Give me a call tomorrow, Lij.” He walked out of the pub without looking back.
Orlando glanced down at his lap and blinked, then looked up to see Elijah and Dom staring at him intently. Orlando jumped up. “I’m going, too.” He ran off after Billy, leaving behind a half-empty beer and two confused hobbits.
“Wait, Billy!” Orlando yelled, stopping Billy just before he opened his car door. Billy turned and crossed his arms over his chest. Orlando walked up and put his hands on Billy’s shoulders. “Please,” he said quietly. “I’m not ready to give up.”
Billy looked up at him with weary eyes. After a moment, he nodded. “Get in.”
Orlando walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. “Thank you, Billy,” he said, sitting down.
Billy squeezed his eyes shut, then smiled. “Don’t mention it.”
Orlando was on top that night, and he pretended that everything was as it had been. He leaned down and kissed Billy heavily, whispering meaningless words into his mouth. Usually, Billy responded with his own sounds and pants, but after one or two close-mouthed kisses, he rested his head against the pillow and fell into a stony silence.
Orlando closed his eyes and tried to focus. But there was no response from below, and he reluctantly gave up.
They slept side by side, and did not touch once.
Billy left early that morning to help Elijah shop for his party. Orlando slept late, throwing his pillow over his face until the sun grew too bright to ignore. Finally he got up, his head pounding strangely hard for the relatively small amount he had drank the night before. He went to the bathroom and splashed water on his face, letting the droplets roll off of his chin and down his neck.
Orlando sat on the couch and flipped channels listlessly for several hours, wondering if Billy would come back before the party. At four he decided that he wasn’t going to, and got up to prepare on his own. A few minutes and a grocery bag full of gifts later, he was in the car and on his way to Elijah’s.
They were all pretty much still struggling actors at that point, so they’d agreed not to go for large and lavish presents, opting instead for more creative and personal gifts. Orlando had thought long and hard, and was quite proud that each of his presents referred to an inside joke between the recipient and him. He had never been one for generic gift certificates and liquor, anyway.
Orlando arrived at Elijah’s house and parked along the road. There were only three other cars there, including Elijah’s; their particular group was tiny, mostly made up of people who were in New Zealand unattached and without family. They were each other’s family, each other’s attachments.
Orlando wondered how much longer that would last.
The gathering was quite relaxed, Elijah and Dom sprawled out on the couch with their beers and Billy across the room, working on his own bottle. Orlando sat on the floor at Dom’s feet, his knees drawn up to his chin, his laugh somewhat distracted.
Orlando and Billy’s eyes met several times, but each time their glances skittered away just as quickly.
An hour and many chatty tangents later, the gift-giving was nearly complete; all that remained was Billy’s gift to Orlando. Billy walked over to Orlando and pressed a small gift wrapped box into his palm, covering Orlando’s hand with his own for a moment. He sat back down in his chair and waited.
“Go on then, open it up!” Dom said, nudging Orlando with his toe. Orlando swatted at him with a chuckle, then took a deep breath. Slowly, he tore off the gift wrap and opened the box.
Inside was Billy’s key to Orlando’s house.
Orlando’s breath caught in his throat as he reached in and pulled out the key, reading the small note attached to it.
Your independence.
The room was silent for a few achingly long seconds. Orlando stood up suddenly. “I need to leave,” he said, striding toward the back door and pulling it open. Dom and Elijah jumped up to follow him.
Billy watched for a moment, then looked down and examined his hands.
“Orlando, don’t go,” Dom said, grabbing Orlando’s arm as he walked outside. Orlando pulled away and continued down the porch steps.
Elijah looked quickly at Dom, then back at Orlando. “You’ll miss the barbecue!”
Orlando whirled around. “I don’t care about your fucking barbecue!” he yelled. “Do you not realize it’s the middle of December? We’re supposed to be all…bundled up by a fire, not grilling fucking hot dogs!” He used his sleeve to wipe the sweat off of his forehead, exasperated. “I hate this shit. It’s all wrong. I just want things to be they way they’ve always been. I want to be wearing my winter coat, I want to have Christmas dinner with my family, and--” He stopped and opened his hand. The key glinted in the sunlight.
“And what?” Elijah asked softly.
Orlando sat down heavily on the bottom step of the stairs. “And I don’t want this.” He turned his palm slightly, and the key slid off onto the ground.
Dom crouched down to pick up the key, sitting down beside Orlando. He put an arm around Orlando’s shoulder, pulling him close. “Are you sure?” he whispered.
Orlando looked at Dom, thoughts and moments and memories rushing through his mind. He slowly reached out and took the key, pushing it into his pocket. And without a word, he stood up and left.
Elijah and Dom watched Orlando drive off until they could no longer hear his car, then walked back inside the house.
Orlando answered his phone on the third ring.
“I’m sorry,” Billy said.
“I am too.”
Orlando woke up sweaty, his sheets tangled around his legs. He kicked them off onto the floor, then pulled his shirt off, throwing it to the side. He turned his head, and realized that he was utterly alone.
Merry fucking Christmas, he thought, then rolled over and went back to sleep.
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