DM/EW, PG-13
Lij drew a ragged breath, his head thrown back, his back arched. Slowly, he pulled his head up and opened his eyes.
Dom looked at Lij, at his pale skin slick with sweat, his muscles trembling, his eyes heavy-lidded but attentive. Dom's hands gripped Lij's hips, and he drew Lij closer to him.
Lij's arms slipped, thrown around Dom's shoulders. Small beads of sweat mixed and melted together, loosening Lij's hold momentarily.
"Done?" Dom's voice came out as a low growl. His eyes locked with Lij's.
Lij let out a gasp, and wordlessly shook his head. His hands locked behind Dom's back, fingers tangled and twisted.
A drop of sweat rolled down Dom's face.
He ignored it, and slowly pushed Lij back down.
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