BB/EW, PG-13
Elijah looked up and nearly choked on his drink.
From across the room, Billy had caught Elijah's eyes. With one fluid movement, never straying from Elijah's gaze, he nodded his head toward the door.
Elijah pushed his chair back with a loud scraping sound, his napkin fluttering to the ground as he followed Billy out. Sean looked up, his eyebrows furrowed, then returned to the conversation.
Elijah walked down the hallway and pushed open the door to the bedroom, walking in and looking around. He suddenly felt hot breath tickling the back of his neck and gasped softly.
"Come on."
Billy walked around him to stand face to face. Putting a hand on either side of Elijah's face, one thumb stroking his eyebrow, he drew Elijah into a long, passionate kiss. Elijah felt his knees buckle, and they both fell onto the bed, Elijah on top of Billy.
Billy pushed Elijah up so that he was sitting up, straddling him. With a soft moan, Elijah began to pull off his shirt, but Billy reached out an arm to stop him. He pulled Elijah's face close and shook his head.
"Me first."
Slowly, laboriously, Elijah began to unbutton Billy's shirt, bending to touch his tongue to the increasingly-exposed skin. Billy's eyelids fluttered, but he kept his eyes on Elijah, a smile playing across his face. Elijah finished, and Billy shrugged himself out of the shirt, tossing it onto the ground. Billy nodded once, and Elijah obediently lifted his arms up as Billy peeled off his thin t-shirt.
Bending down again, Elijah attempted to sneak another kiss from Billy, but his lips bumped across Billy's and into his nose as his back curved up inadvertently. Billy had planted his hands on Elijah's hips, and was trailing his tongue down, from Elijah's collarbone, down his chest to pause at one nipple, farther down, down his stomach. Elijah moaned again and buried his mouth in the crook of Billy's neck. Billy turned his head and nipped at Elijah's ear, drawing a quick gasp from Elijah.
Billy pushed Elijah up, his eyes smoldering, watching the beads of sweat form along Elijah's brow, watching him twist in obvious discomfort. "Billy please, let me --"
Billy put a hand on Elijah's mouth. "Not yet."
With a growl, Elijah dug his knees into Billy's hips and swooped down for a drawn-out, fire-tinged kiss. He moved his head down further, and gently breathed onto Billy's neck, then nipples, then traveling down to his stomach. He opened his mouth and trailed his teeth down the bottom of Billy's stomach, catching on the waistband of his pants.
With a small sound of pleasure, Billy suddenly rolled over, pinning Elijah under him. Elijah panted, looking up in surprise. Billy searched his eyes, then smiled.
"My turn."
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